Your Ideal Office

Our Latitude 9330 laptop is packed full of intelligent privacy features and collaboration tools, while being light enough to carry with you wherever you go. With all of these tools built in, like Onlooker Detection to stop snooping eyes, and a Zoom integrated touchpad for meetings at your fingertips, you can make anywhere your ideal office - even when your ideal office isn’t an office at all.

A Set Inside a Set

When creating this spot, we partnered with Brand New School to figure out how to seamlessly transition (with the help of CGI of course) from the office location to the food court location. The team built a set inside the food court, so we could easily dismantle it wall by wall to capture all aspects of the scene, seamlessly blending them in post. This spot brings to life practical effects and CGI magic.

Collaboration Touchpad buttons virtually float above the touchpad on the Latitude 9330 laptop
A Latitude 9330 Laptop is being slid out of a green laptop case.
An open Latitude 9330 laptop shows scenes of a video call and application on the screen.